Friday, April 27, 2007

Hockey season is Officially over.

And that's just sad :-(

We went to game 4 of the Stanley Cup Quater Finals. Which unfortunatly they lost. Due to a few bad calls, a few missed calls, and the team just didn't want it as bad as Buffalo did....I guess.

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That's ok. I don't mind they didn't make it to the next round, they snuck into the playoffs, off the back of a third string, minor league goalie (I love Wade Dubielewicz...Dubie's the best)

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All I can say is, we just have to look forward to next year, to see what they have in store for us, for both teams. The Isle's and Tiger's because what ever the Isle's do effects the Tiger's as well.

Hey one good thing....It's Baseball season....not that it's helping much either, the Yankee's are working on a the 3rd series sweep.....and not being the sweeper, they are being the sweepies. But it's april, it can only get better. We know it can't get much worse

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